Case number: 1:23-bk-13178 - The Orlando Reservoir No. 2 Company, LLC - Colorado Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    The Orlando Reservoir No. 2 Company, LLC

  • Court

    Colorado (cobke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Kimberley H. Tyson

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
District of Colorado (Denver)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-13178-KHT

Assigned to: Kimberley H. Tyson
Chapter 11

Date filed:  07/19/2023
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  01/16/2024


The Orlando Reservoir No. 2 Company, LLC

999 18th Street, Suite 3000
Denver, CO 80202
Tax ID / EIN: 20-2774525

represented by
Kelsey Jamie Buechler

999 18th St.
Ste., 1230 S
Denver, CO 80202
Fax : 720-381-0392

Michael Lamb

Buechler Law Office, LLC
999 18th Street, Suite 1230-S
Denver, CO 80202


Joli A. Lofstedt

Joli A. Lofstedt,Trustee
PO Box 270561
Louisville, CO 80027

U.S. Trustee

US Trustee

Byron G. Rogers Federal Building
1961 Stout St.
Ste. 12-200
Denver, CO 80294
represented by
Robert Samuel Boughner

Byron G. Rogers Federal Building
1961 Stout St.
Ste. 12-200
Denver, CO 80294
Fax : 303-312-7259

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/18/2023115Motion to Withdraw as Attorney of Record Filed by Scott A Meiklejohn on behalf of VetaNova, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Motion to Withdraw and Proposed Order # 2 Certificate of Service Certificate of Notice) (Meiklejohn, Scott) (Entered: 12/18/2023)
12/15/2023114Courts Notice or Order and BNC Certificate of Mailing (related document(s)113 Order Regarding Compliance With Rules). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 12/15/2023. (Admin.) (Entered: 12/15/2023)
12/13/2023113Order for Compliance. The attorney must give notice in accordance with L.B.R.9013-1 to the client, United States Trustee, trustee, and to all parties whohave entered an appearance in the case or proceeding. The notice mustinclude notice of an opportunity to object and provide an objectiondeadline of no less than seven days from the date of filing of the motion.Both the motion and notice must be filed with the Court (related document(s)110 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney). Rules Compliance due by 12/20/2023 for 110. (mjb) (Entered: 12/13/2023)
12/09/2023112Courts Notice or Order and BNC Certificate of Mailing (related document(s)111 Order Reassigning Case). No. of Notices: 148. Notice Date 12/09/2023. (Admin.) (Entered: 12/09/2023)
12/07/2023111Order Directing Reassignment. The Court FINDS that this case is related to Case No. 23-14505 KHT. Pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 1073-1(b), and in the interest of more effective and efficient administration of the case, IT IS ORDERED that the Clerk reassign this case to the Honorable Kimberley H. Tyson. (re) (Entered: 12/07/2023)
12/06/2023110Motion to Withdraw as Attorney of Record Filed by Scott A Meiklejohn on behalf of VetaNova, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed/Unsigned Order Proposed Order) (Meiklejohn, Scott) (Entered: 12/06/2023)
Added to claim 21 as a supporting document
Summary for F. Richard Stark filed by F. Richard Stark . (re)
Modified on 12/5/2023 per claimants request (rjr).
(Entered: 12/01/2023)
11/29/2023108Courts Notice or Order and BNC Certificate of Mailing (related document(s)104 Order on Motion to Extend Time). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 11/29/2023. (Admin.) (Entered: 11/29/2023)
11/29/2023107Small Business Monthly Operating Report for Filing Period 10/31/2023 Filed by Kelsey Jamie Buechler on behalf of The Orlando Reservoir No. 2 Company, LLC. (Buechler, Kelsey) (Entered: 11/29/2023)
11/29/2023106Amended Small Business Monthly Operating Report for Filing Period 09/30/2023 Filed by Kelsey Jamie Buechler on behalf of The Orlando Reservoir No. 2 Company, LLC (related document(s):97 Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Report (UST Form 11-MOR)). (Buechler, Kelsey) (Entered: 11/29/2023)