Case number: 2:18-bk-02293 - American Properties Group LLC, Trustee of the 175 - Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    American Properties Group LLC, Trustee of the 175

  • Court

    Florida Middle (flmbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Caryl E. Delano

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of Florida (Ft. Myers)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 9:18-bk-02293-FMD

Assigned to: Caryl E. Delano
Chapter 7
No asset

Debtor disposition:  Dismissed for Abuse
Date filed:  03/23/2018
Date terminated:  08/15/2018
Debtor dismissed:  04/12/2018
341 meeting:  04/24/2018


American Properties Group LLC, Trustee of the 175 Turtle Lake Court 9-106 Land Trust

1205 Piper Blvd, #101
Naples, FL 34110
Tax ID / EIN: 00-0000000

represented by
American Properties Group LLC, Trustee of the 175 Turtle Lake Court 9-106 Land Trust



Luis E Rivera, II

Post Office Box 1026
Fort Myers, FL 33902-1026
(239) 254-8466

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee - FTM7/13

Timberlake Annex, Suite 1200
501 E Polk Street
Tampa, FL 33602

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
04/14/201813BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. (related document(s) (Related Doc # 10)). Notice Date 04/14/2018. (Admin.) (Entered: 04/15/2018)
04/14/201812BNC Certificate of Mailing - Order (related document(s) (Related Doc # 9)). Notice Date 04/14/2018. (Admin.) (Entered: 04/15/2018)
04/13/201811BNC Certificate of Mailing - Order/Notice Dismissing Case. (related document(s) (Related Doc # 8)). Notice Date 04/13/2018. (Admin.) (Entered: 04/14/2018)
04/12/201810Order Dismissing Case With Prejudice. The Court retains jurisdiction over Adversary Proceeding 8:18-ap-00175-CED. Absent further order of this Court, the Clerks Office is directed to reject any future bankruptcy filing by American Properties Group, LLC, in violation of the Bar Order (related document(s) 1). Service Instructions: Clerks Office to serve. (Bernadette) (Entered: 04/12/2018)
04/12/20189Order Vacating Order Dismissing Case (related document(s) 8). Service Instructions: Clerks Office to serve. (Deanna) (Entered: 04/12/2018)
04/11/20188Order Dismissing Case (related document(s) 4, 3). Service Instructions: Clerks Office to serve. (Deanna) (Entered: 04/11/2018)
03/30/20187BNC Certificate of Mailing - Order (related document(s) (Related Doc # 4)). Notice Date 03/30/2018. (Admin.) (Entered: 03/31/2018)
03/29/20186BNC Certificate of Mailing - Notice to Creditors and Parties in Interest (related document(s) (Related Doc # 3)). Notice Date 03/29/2018. (Admin.) (Entered: 03/30/2018)
03/29/20185BNC Certificate of Mailing - Notice of Meeting of Creditors. (related document(s) (Related Doc # 2)). Notice Date 03/29/2018. (Admin.) (Entered: 03/30/2018)
03/28/20184Order of Impending Dismissal Corporate Debtor shall retain counsel or the case may be dismissed. Service Instructions: Clerks Office to serve. (Laura G.) (Entered: 03/28/2018)