Case number: 2:20-bk-05209 - Feck Properties, LLC - Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Feck Properties, LLC

  • Court

    Florida Middle (flmbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Caryl E. Delano

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
Subchapter_V, SmBus, CONFIRMED

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of Florida (Ft. Myers)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 2:20-bk-05209-FMD

Assigned to: Chief Judge Caryl E. Delano
Chapter 11

Date filed:  07/07/2020
Plan confirmed:  12/14/2020
341 meeting:  07/30/2020
Deadline for filing claims:  09/15/2020


Feck Properties, LLC

PO Box 1155
Mansfield, MA 02048
Tax ID / EIN: 20-0170205

represented by
Kevin C Gleason

Kevin Gleason PA
4121 North 31st Avenue
Hollywood, FL 33021-2011
(954) 893-7670
Fax : (954) 893-7675

Wayne S. Kramer

Midler and Kramer PA
120 E Oakland Park Blvd
Suite 203
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334-1109

Kevin Christopher Gleason

Florida Bankruptcy Group, LLC
4121 N 31 Ave
Hollywood, FL 33021
Fax : 954-252-2540


Debra Jackson

DJJ Consulting LLC
3670 Mossy Oak Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33905
TERMINATED: 02/09/2022

represented by
Debra Jackson



Amy Denton Mayer

110 East Madison Street, Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33602

represented by
Amy Denton Mayer

110 East Madison Street, Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33602
Fax : 813-229-1811

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee - FTM

Timberlake Annex, Suite 1200
501 E. Polk Street
Tampa, FL 33602
represented by
Benjamin E. Lambers

Timberlake Annex
501 E. Polk Street, Suite 1200
Tampa, FL 33602

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
09/25/2023Bankruptcy Case Closed. (Hill, Rutha)
09/25/2023325Final Decree . Service Instructions: Clerks Office to serve. (Hill, Rutha)
09/07/2023324Notice of Fees Incurred by Successor Subchapter V Trustee Filed by Amy Denton Mayer on behalf of Trustee Amy Denton Mayer. (Mayer, Amy)
09/07/2023323Chapter 11 Subchapter V Trustees Report of No Distribution. Funds Collected: $3,990.00. Key information about this case as reported in schedules filed by the debtor(s) or otherwise found in the case record: This case was pending for 39 months. Assets Abandoned (without deducting any secured claims): $0.00, Assets Exempt: Not Available, Claims Scheduled: $0.00, Claims Asserted: Not Available, Claims scheduled to be discharged without payment (without deducting the value of collateral or debts excepted from discharge): $0.00. Filed by Trustee Amy Denton Mayer. (Mayer, Amy)
09/05/2023322Motion for Final Decree Contains negative notice. Filed by Kevin Christopher Gleason on behalf of Debtor Feck Properties, LLC
07/06/2023321Proof of Service of Order Sustaining in Part and Overruling in Part Second Objection to Fourth Amended Claim No. 5 of Gina Hollis and Determining Pre- and Post- Petition Attorney Fees and Costs. Filed by Gary M Singer on behalf of Creditor GINA HOLLIS (related document(s)[320]). (Singer, Gary)
07/03/2023320Order Sustaining in Part and Overruling in Part Second Objection to Fourth Amended Claim No. 5 of Gina Hollis and Determining Pre- and Post- Petition Attorney Fees and Costs. (related document(s)[316], [313], [231], [315], [227], [310]). Service Instructions: Gary Singer is directed to serve a copy of this order on interested parties and file a proof of service within 3 days of entry of the order. (Grammel, Laura)
06/26/2023319Hearing Proceeding Memo: Hearing Held - APPEARANCES: Kevin Gleason, Amy mayer, Wayne Kramer, Gary Singer WITNESSES: EVIDENCE: RULING: *Continued Hearing on Fees - -Objection to Hollis' Fee Applications Doc 144/145/192 Filed by Kevin Christopher Gleason on behalf of Debtor Feck Properties, LLC (related document(s)[144]). (Gleason, Kevin) Doc #307 - Sustained in part, overruled in part, fees allowed in the total amount of $115,401.64 ($86236.64 post petition and $29165 prepetition) O/Singer - Objection to Exhibits 1 - 8 Filed by Kevin Christopher Gleason on behalf of Debtor Feck Properties, LLC (related document(s)[310]). (Gleason, Kevin) Doc #311 -Opposition Objection to Fees and Costs Sought in Docs 310-04, 05, 07 Filed by Kevin Christopher Gleason on behalf of Debtor Feck Properties, LLC (related document(s)[310]). (Gleason, Kevin) Doc #315 - Response to Debtors Objections to Secured Creditor, Gina Holliss Supplemental and Pre-Petition Fees [DE 315] Filed by Gary M Singer on behalf of Creditor GINA HOLLIS (related document(s)[313]). (Singer, Gary) Doc #316 Proposed Orders, if applicable, should be submitted within three days after the date of the hearing - Local Rule 9072-1(c). This docket entry/document is not an official order of the Court . (Miguenes, Bill)
06/14/2023318BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. (related document(s) (Related Doc [317])). Notice Date 06/14/2023. (Admin.)
06/12/2023317Order Establishing Procedures for Video Hearings and Registration Link to Appear via Zoom. Service Instructions: Clerks Office to serve. NG -(ADIclerk)