Case number: 4:21-bk-40129 - The Exchange Building Office Condominium Associati - Florida Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    The Exchange Building Office Condominium Associati

  • Court

    Florida Northern (flnbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Karen K. Specie

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
PlnDue, DsclsDue, SmBus

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Florida (Tallahassee)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 21-40129-KKS

Assigned to: Judge Karen K. Specie
Chapter 11

Case Manager:  
Ann Laritz
Date filed:  04/09/2021
341 meeting:  05/18/2021
Deadline for filing claims:  06/18/2021
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  10/06/2021


The Exchange Building Office Condominium Association, Inc.

201 S. Monroe St.
Ste. 201
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Tax ID / EIN: 20-5395841

represented by
Robert C. Bruner

Bruner Wright, P.A.
2810 Remington Green Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Fax : 850-270-2441

Byron Wright, III

Bruner Wright, P.A.
2810 Remington Green Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Fax : 850-270-2441

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

110 E. Park Avenue
Suite 128
Tallahassee, FL 32301
represented by
Jason H. Egan

Office of the U. S. Trustee
110 E. Park Avenue
Suite 128
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 942-1664
Fax : (850) 942-1669

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
05/03/202130Motion to Reject Lease or Executory Contract between Debtor and Exchange Garage Equities, LLC Nunc Pro Tunc to May 3, 2021 Filed by Robert C. Bruner on behalf of The Exchange Building Office Condominium Association, Inc.. (Bruner, Robert)
(Entered: 05/03/2021)
05/03/202129Document Served: Notice of Bankruptcy Case Filing & 341(a) Meeting of Creditors Reissued by the Court. BNC service to creditors and parties in interest. (Laritz, A.) (Entered: 05/03/2021)
05/03/202128Tax Documents for the Year for 2019. Provided to Trustee on May 3, 2021 Filed by Byron Wright III on behalf of The Exchange Building Office Condominium Association, Inc.. (Wright, Byron) (Entered: 05/03/2021)
05/03/202127Cash Flow Statement Filed by Byron Wright III on behalf of The Exchange Building Office Condominium Association, Inc.. (Wright, Byron) (Entered: 05/03/2021)
05/03/202126Balance Sheet Filed by Byron Wright III on behalf of The Exchange Building Office Condominium Association, Inc.. (Wright, Byron) (Entered: 05/03/2021)
04/30/202125Receipt of Schedules & Statements (all remaining deficient documents filed)(21-40129-KKS) [misc,alldefic] ( 32.00) filing fee. Receipt number 4784900, amount $ 32.00 (re: 24) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 04/30/2021)
04/30/202124All remaining schedules and statements (Creditors Added)(Fee Amount $32) Filed by Robert C. Bruner on behalf of The Exchange Building Office Condominium Association, Inc. [Re: 7 Notice of Deficiency - Initial, 22 Update Deficiency Deadlines]. (Bruner, Robert) (Entered: 04/30/2021)
04/27/202123Certificate of Service/Mailing Filed by Byron Wright III on behalf of The Exchange Building Office Condominium Association, Inc. [Re: 21 Order on Motion to Extend Deadline to File Schedules]. (Wright, Byron) (Entered: 04/27/2021)
04/27/202122Deficiency Deadlines Updated Schedule A/B due 4/30/2021. Schedule D due 4/30/2021. Schedule E/F due 4/30/2021. Schedule G due 4/30/2021. Schedule H due 4/30/2021. Summary of Assets and Liabilities due 4/30/2021. Statement of Financial Affairs due 4/30/2021. Atty Disclosure Statement due 4/30/2021. (Laritz, A.) (Entered: 04/27/2021)
Order Granting Motion to Extend Deadline to File Schedules or Provide Required Information (Re: 19) signed on 4/27/2021
. SERVICE: Byron Wright shall serve this document pursuant to the applicable Rules and file a certificate of service within three (3) days. (Laritz, A.) (Entered: 04/27/2021)