Case number: 1:22-bk-11255 - Argo 45, LLC - New York Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of New York (Manhattan)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 22-11255-mg

Assigned to: Judge Martin Glenn
Chapter 11

Date filed:  09/20/2022


Argo 45, LLC

617 11th Avenue
New York, NY 10036
Tax ID / EIN: 46-1761499

represented by
Fred B. Ringel

Leech Tishman Robinson Brog PLLC
875 Third Avenue
Ste 9th Flor
New York, NY 10022

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee
U.S. Federal Office Building
201 Varick Street, Room 1006
New York, NY 10014
(212) 510-0500

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
09/21/20223Order, Signed on 9/21/2022, Directing Joint Administration of Chapter 11 Cases and Related Relief (Related Doc # 2). An order has been entered in this case, directing the joint administration of Case number 22-11255 with the case of Starlin LLC, Case No. 22- 10888 (MG). (Anderson, Deanna) (Entered: 09/21/2022)
09/20/2022Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)( 22-11255) [misc,824] (1738.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number A15927869. Fee amount 1738.00. (Re: Doc # 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 09/20/2022)
09/20/2022Judge Martin Glenn added to the case. (Porter, Minnie). (Entered: 09/20/2022)
09/20/20222Motion for Joint Administration - APPLICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 105 OF THE BANKRUPTCY CODE AND RULE 1015(b) OF THE FEDERAL RULES OF BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURE FOR ORDER DIRECTING JOINT ADMINISTRATION filed by Fred B. Ringel on behalf of Argo 45, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Ringel, Fred) (Entered: 09/20/2022)
09/20/20221Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individual. Order for Relief Entered.
Case Designated As Mega as per LBR 1073-1.
Chapter 11 Plan due by 1/18/2023, Disclosure Statement due by 1/18/2023, Initial Case Conference due by 10/20/2022, Filed by Fred B. Ringel of Leech Tishman Robinson Brog PLLC on behalf of Argo 45, LLC. (Ringel, Fred) (Entered: 09/20/2022)