Case number: 3:18-bk-30291 - Lee-Roy Enterprises, Inc. - North Carolina Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of North Carolina (Charlotte)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 18-30291

Assigned to: J. Craig Whitley
Chapter 7

Date filed:  02/22/2018
341 meeting:  03/28/2018


Lee-Roy Enterprises, Inc.

1100 Continental Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28273
Tax ID / EIN: 56-1249523
Healthy Home Market

Home Economist

Farm 2 Family Foods

Home Economist Market

The Home Economist

Healthy Home Economist Market

represented by
Hillary B. Crabtree

Moore & Van Allen PLLC
100 N. Tryon Street, Suite 4700
Charlotte, NC 28202-4003
(704) 331-3571
Fax : (704) 335-5968

Ethridge B. Ricks

Moore Van Allen PLLC
100 North Tryon Street
Suite 4700
Charlotte, NC 28202-4003
Fax : 704-409-5682

Zachary H. Smith

Moore Van Allen PLLC
100 North Tryon Street
Suite 4700
Charlotte, NC 28202
Fax : 704-378-1909


Anna Cotten Wright

Grier, Furr & Crisp, PA
101 N. Tryon St., Suite 1240
Charlotte, NC 28246

represented by
Anna S. Gorman

Grier, Furr, & Crisp PA
101 North Tryon St.
Suite 1240
Charlotte, NC 28246
(704) 375-3720
Fax : (704) 332-0215

Grier Furr & Crisp, PA

Anna Cotten Wright

Grier, Furr & Crisp, PA
101 N. Tryon St., Suite 1240
Charlotte, NC 28246

Anna Cotten Wright

Grier, Furr & Crisp, PA
101 N. Tryon St., Suite 1240
Charlotte, NC 28246

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Bankruptcy Administrator Office

402 W. Trade Street
Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28202

Interested Party

Richard M. MItchell

4600 Park Rd., Suite 420
Charlotte, NC 28209
TERMINATED: 06/14/2018

represented by
Richard M. Mitchell

Richard M. Mitchell
4600 Park Road
Suite 420
Charlotte, NC 28209
(704) 333-0630
Fax : (704) 333-4975
TERMINATED: 06/14/2018

Interested Party

Organic Harvest, LLC

c/o Jennifer B. Lyday
Waldrep LLP
101 S. Stratford Rd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
represented by
Jennifer B. Lyday

Waldrep LLP
101 S. Stratford Road
Suite 210
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Fax : 336-717-1340

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
10/03/2018127Objection to Claim Number: 11,23,66 with Notice of Opportunity for Hearing. If a response or objection is filed - DUE: 11/06/2018, a hearing will be held on DATE: 11/14/2018, TIME: 9:30 am, LOCATION: Charlotte Courtroom 1-4 filed by Anna S. Gorman on behalf of Anna Cotten Wright. (Gorman, Anna)
08/23/2018126Certificate of Service (RE: related document(s) 125 Approve Settlement) filed by Anna Cotten Wright on behalf of Anna Cotten Wright. (Wright, Anna) (Entered: 08/23/2018)
08/22/2018125Order Granting Motion to Approve Settlement. Cole Properties Investments, Inc. shall turn over to the Trustee the sum of $6,480.39 as provided for in the Settlement. (Related Doc # [120]) (bjs) (Judgment Book)
08/09/2018124BNC Certificate of Mailing (RE: related document(s)[123] Order (other)). No. of Notices: 2. Notice Date 08/09/2018. (Admin.)
08/07/2018123Order Overruling Objection. The Clerk of Court is instructed to docket the Objection as an Informal Proof of Claim in the Claims Registry. (RE: related document(s)[122] Response/Objection filed by Creditor Rose and Pete Gosselin) (bjs)
08/03/2018122Response and Request for Hearing (RE: related document(s)[120] Approve Settlement filed by Trustee Anna Cotten Wright) Filed by Rose and Pete Gosselin. Hearing scheduled for 8/27/2018 at 09:30 AM at 3-JCW Courtroom 1-4. (bjs)
07/29/2018121Trustee's Semi-Annual Report (Wright, Anna)
07/23/2018120Motion to Approve Settlement with Cole Properties Investments, Inc. with Notice of Opportunity for Hearing If a response or objection is filed - DUE: August 7, 2018, a hearing will be held on DATE: 8/27/2018, TIME: 9:30 a.m., LOCATION: Courtroom 1-4, 401 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC. filed by Anna Cotten Wright on behalf of Anna Cotten Wright. (Wright, Anna)
07/16/2018119Order Granting Trustee's Exparte Motion to Pay Proceeds from the Sale of Non-Estate Property to Rightful Owner. (RE: related document(s)[118] Other Document filed by Trustee Anna Cotten Wright) (rfv)
07/13/2018118Trustees Ex Parte Motion to Pay Proceeds from the Sale of Non-Estate Property to Rightful Owner (RE: related document(s)[111] Other Document filed by Trustee Anna Cotten Wright) filed by Anna Cotten Wright on behalf of Anna Cotten Wright. (Wright, Anna)