Case number: 3:18-bk-31635 - VR King Construction, LLC - North Carolina Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of North Carolina (Charlotte)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 18-31635

Assigned to: Laura T. Beyer
Chapter 7
Previous chapter 11
Original chapter 11

Date filed:  10/31/2018
Date converted:  04/11/2019
341 meeting:  11/28/2018


VR King Construction, LLC

PO Box 5035
Charlotte, NC 28299
Tax ID / EIN: 30-0581145

represented by
Robert Lewis, Jr

The Lewis Law Firm, PA
P.O. Box 1446
Raleigh, NC 27602
Fax : 919-573-9161

John C. Woodman

Essex Richards
1701 South Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28203
Fax : 704-372-1357
TERMINATED: 03/07/2019


A. Burton Shuford

4700 Lebanon Road,
Suite #A-2
Mint Hill, NC 28227

represented by
A. Burton Shuford

A. Burton Shuford, Attorney at Law
4700 Lebanon Road
Suite A-2
Mint Hill, NC 28227
Fax : 704-943-1152

A. Burton Shuford

4700 Lebanon Road,
Suite #A-2
Mint Hill, NC 28227
Fax : 704-943-1152

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Bankruptcy Administrator Office

402 W. Trade Street
Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28202-1669

Interested Party

Epic Realty Solutions, LLC

c/o R. Gregory Tomchin, Esq.
7257 Pineville-Matthews Road
Suite 2100
Charlotte, NC 28226
represented by
R. Gregory Tomchin

7257 Pineville-Matthews Road
SUITE 2100
Fax : 704/442-1020

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
05/10/2022Receipt of Filing Fee for Motion to Sell( 18-31635) [motion,msell] ( 188.00). Receipt number A9293608, amount $ 188.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 05/10/2022)
05/10/2022399Motion to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens 363(f) - 2586 Hemphill Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28208 with Notice of Opportunity for Hearing If a response or objection is filed - DUE: 14 Days, a hearing will be held on DATE: 6/8/2022, TIME: 9:30 AM, LOCATION: Charlotte. (Fee Amount $ 188) filed by A. Burton Shuford on behalf of A. Burton Shuford. (Shuford, A.) (Entered: 05/10/2022)
04/30/2022398Application for Compensation to:Motion of Y2 Yoga, LLC for Order Allowing Addition of Attorney's Fees and Expenses to Claim, Fee:$138,849.00, Expenses:201.27. If a response or objection is filed - DUE: May 15, 2022, a hearing will be held on DATE: 5/25/2022, TIME: 9:30 a.m., LOCATION: Charlotte, N.C. filed by James Henderson on behalf of Y2 Yoga Cotswold, LLC. (Henderson, James) (Entered: 04/30/2022)
04/21/2022397Trustee's Semi-Annual Report (Shuford, A.) (Entered: 04/21/2022)
04/20/2022396Amended Notice of Opportunity for Hearing. If a response or objection is filed DUE: 14 Days a hearing will be held on DATE: May 11, 2022, TIME: 9:30 AM, LOCATION: Charlotte (RE: related document(s)393 Trustee Application for Professional Fees) filed by A. Burton Shuford on behalf of A. Burton Shuford. (Shuford, A.) (Entered: 04/20/2022)
04/20/2022395Amended Notice of Opportunity for Hearing. If a response or objection is filed DUE: 14 Days a hearing will be held on DATE: May 11, 2022, TIME: 9:30 AM, LOCATION: Charlotte (RE: related document(s)392 Trustee Application for Professional Fees) filed by A. Burton Shuford on behalf of A. Burton Shuford. (Shuford, A.) (Entered: 04/20/2022)
04/19/2022394Court Notice of Defective Filing (RE: related document(s)392 Trustee Application for Professional Fees, 393 Trustee Application for Professional Fees). (gav) (Entered: 04/19/2022)
04/19/2022393Interim Application for Compensation to Professional(s) Employed by Trustee - Edward P. Bowers, Accountant for the Trustee Fee: $883.50 Expenses: $25.00 If a response or objection is filed - DUE: 30 Days, a hearing will be held on DATE: 6/13/2022, TIME: 9:30 AM, LOCATION: Charlotte. (Shuford, A.) Modified on 4/19/2022 (gav). SEE DEFECTIVE NOTICE 394. (Entered: 04/19/2022)
04/19/2022392Interim Application for Compensation to Professional(s) Employed by Trustee - A. Burton Shuford, Attorney for the Truste Fee: $24,825.00 Expenses: $2,327.22 If a response or objection is filed - DUE: 30 Days, a hearing will be held on DATE: 6/13/2022, TIME: 9:30 AM, LOCATION: Charlotte. (Shuford, A.) Modified on 4/19/2022 (gav). SEE DEFECTIVE NOTICE 394. (Entered: 04/19/2022)
03/25/2022391Report of Sale - 1720 Pegram Street, Charlotte, NC (RE: related document(s)369 Order on Motion to Sell) filed by A. Burton Shuford on behalf of A. Burton Shuford. (Attachments: # 1 Closing Statement) (Shuford, A.) (Entered: 03/25/2022)