Case number: 2:17-bk-54129 - Precision Power and Gas, LLC - Ohio Southern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Precision Power and Gas, LLC

  • Court

    Ohio Southern (ohsbke)

  • Chapter


  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Southern District of Ohio (Columbus)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 2:17-bk-54129

Assigned to: John E. Hoffman Jr.
Chapter 7
No asset
AP Case: No

Date filed:  06/29/2017
341 meeting:  08/08/2017


Precision Power and Gas, LLC

10 Whiley Rd.
Lancaster, OH 43130
Tax ID / EIN: 26-2014128

represented by
Myron N Terlecky

575 S Third St
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 228-6345


William B Logan

1160 Dublin Road
Suite 400
Columbus, OH 43215

U.S. Trustee

Asst US Trustee (Col)

Office of the US Trustee
170 North High Street
Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43215

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
07/14/201710Certification of No New or Changed Creditors Filed by Debtor Precision Power and Gas, LLC (RE: related document(s) 5 Regarding Deficient Filing). (Terlecky, Myron) (Entered: 07/14/2017)
07/14/20179Schedule A/B: Property Non-Individual 0, Schedule D: Non-Individual Creditors Having Claims Secured by Property 0, Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims Non-Individual 0, Schedule G: Non-Individual Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases 0, Schedule H: Non-Individual Codebtors0, 00 Statement of Financial Affairs 00, Summary of Assets and Liabilities for Non-Individual 0 Filed by Debtor Precision Power and Gas, LLC RE: related document(s) 1). (Terlecky, Myron) Modified text on 7/14/2017 (2km). (Entered: 07/14/2017)
07/02/20178BNC Certificate of Mailing (RE: related documents(s) 5 Notice and Order Regarding Deficient Filing) Notice Date 07/02/2017. (Admin.) (Entered: 07/03/2017)
07/02/20177BNC Certificate of Mailing (RE: related documents(s) 6 Meeting of Creditors) Notice Date 07/02/2017. (Admin.) (Entered: 07/03/2017)
06/30/20176Notice of Meeting of Creditors (2pr) (Entered: 06/30/2017)
06/30/20175Notice of Deficient Filing and Order Setting Deadline for Compliance Regarding: (RE: related document(s) 1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) filed by Debtor Precision Power and Gas, LLC). Incomplete Filings Due: 7/14/2017. Declaration for Non-Individual Debtor(s)-Official Form 202 Due: 7/7/2017. All Schedules Due: 7/14/2017. Statement of Financial Affairs Due: 7/14/2017. Summary of Assets and Liabilities Due: 7/14/2017. (2pr) (Entered: 06/30/2017)
06/29/20174Corporate Resolution Filed by Debtor Precision Power and Gas, LLC. (Terlecky, Myron) (Entered: 06/29/2017)
06/29/2017Auto Assignment of Judge and Trustee with Meeting of Creditors to Be Noticed for 08/08/2017 at 09:30 AM at Columbus 341. (Terlecky, Myron) (Entered: 06/29/2017)
06/29/2017Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7)(2:17-bk-54129) [misc,volp7] ( 335.00) Filing Fee. Receipt Number 32741721, amount $ 335.00. (Re: Doc# 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 06/29/2017)
06/29/20173Verification of Creditor Matrix Filed by Debtor Precision Power and Gas, LLC. (Terlecky, Myron) (Entered: 06/29/2017)