Case number: 7:15-bk-70569 - Triebel Holdings, Inc. (closed) - Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
Docket Header
RELCAS, IncompleteFiling

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Bankruptcy Petition #: 15-70569-JAD

Assigned to: Judge Jeffery A. Deller
Chapter 7
No asset

Date filed:  08/12/2015
Deadline for filing claims (govt.):  02/08/2016


Triebel Holdings, Inc.

PO Box 51
New Florence, PA 15944
Tax ID / EIN: 25-1717719

represented by
James R. Walsh, Esq.

Spence Custer Saylor Wolfe & Rose
400 U.S. Bank Building
P.O. Box 280
Johnstown, PA 15907
Fax : 814-539-1423


Eric E. Bononi

20 North Pennsylvania Avenue
Greensburg, PA 15601

U.S. Trustee

Office of the United States Trustee

Liberty Center.
1001 Liberty Avenue, Suite 970
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
08/29/201510BNC Certificate of Mailing - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s): 9Order on Motion to Extend Time to Complete the Bankruptcy Filing). Notice Date 08/29/2015. (Admin.) (Entered: 08/30/2015)
08/27/20159Order Granting Motion to Extend Time to Complete the Bankruptcy Filing (Related Doc # 8) Signed on 8/27/2015. Atty Disclosure Statement due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Declaration of Schedules due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Employee Income Record or a statement that there is no record due by 9/9/2015. Schedule A due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Schedule B due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Schedule D due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Schedule E due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Schedule F due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Schedule G due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Schedule H due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Statement of Financial Affairs due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Summary of schedules due 9/9/2015 for 1,. Incomplete Filings due by 9/9/2015 for 1,. (RE: related document(s): 1Voluntary Petition Chapter 7). (lfin) (Entered: 08/27/2015)
08/26/20158Motion to Extend Time to Complete the Bankruptcy Filingof Triebel Holdings, Inc.Filed by Debtor Triebel Holdings, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1Proposed Order) (Walsh, Esq., James) (Entered: 08/26/2015)
08/14/20157Declaration Re: Electronic Filing (RE: related document(s): 1Voluntary Petition Chapter 7 filed by Debtor Triebel Holdings, Inc.). (lfin) (Entered: 08/14/2015)
08/14/20156Notice of Review of Bankruptcy Petition. Assigned Judge: Deller. Appointed Trustee: Bononi. Pursuant to Local Rule 1017-2, the United States Trustee is deemed to have filed a Motion To Dismiss this case, and that Motion will be deemed GRANTED, if any deadline set forth in the first docket entry is not met. (lfin) (Entered: 08/14/2015)
08/13/20155Auto Assigned Trustee to case. (tfin) Added trustee Eric E. Bononi, Government proof of claim due by 02/08/2016.Government proof of claim due by 02/08/2016. (Entered: 08/13/2015)
08/13/20154Judge Jeffery Deller added to case (tfin) (Entered: 08/13/2015)
08/12/20153Receipt of Voluntary Petition Chapter 7(15-70569) [misc,volp7] ( 335.00) filing fee. Receipt number 11738149, amount $ 335.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 08/12/2015)
08/12/20152Notice Regarding Filing of Mailing Matrix Filed by Debtor Triebel Holdings, Inc. (Walsh, Esq., James) (Entered: 08/12/2015)
08/12/20151Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition . Fee Amount $335 Filed by Triebel Holdings, Inc. Government Proof of Claim due by 02/8/2016. Declaration Re: Electronic Filing due 08/26/2015. Atty Disclosure Statement due 08/26/2015. Declaration of Schedules due 08/26/2015. Employee Income Record or a statement that there is no record due by 08/26/2015. Schedule A due 08/26/2015. Schedule B due 08/26/2015. Schedule D due 08/26/2015. Schedule E due 08/26/2015. Schedule F due 08/26/2015. Schedule G due 08/26/2015. Schedule H due 08/26/2015. Statement of Financial Affairs due 08/26/2015. Summary of schedules due 08/26/2015. Incomplete Filings due by 08/26/2015. (Walsh, Esq., James) (Entered: 08/12/2015)