Case number: 3:23-bk-31037 - Highland Select Equity Master Fund, L.P. - Texas Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Highland Select Equity Master Fund, L.P.

  • Court

    Texas Northern (txnbke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Scott W Everett

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Texas (Dallas)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-31037-swe7

Assigned to: Bankruptcy Judge Scott W Everett
Chapter 7
No asset

Date filed:  05/25/2023
341 meeting:  06/20/2023


Highland Select Equity Master Fund, L.P.

100 Crescent Court, Suite 1850
Dallas, TX 75201
Tax ID / EIN: 98-0520466

represented by
Hudson M. Jobe

Quilling, Selander, Lownds, et al
2001 Bryan Street, Suite 1800
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 871-2100
Fax : (214) 871-2111


Scott M. Seidel

Seidel Law Firm
6505 W. Park Blvd., Suite 306
Plano, TX 75093
(214) 234-2500

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

1100 Commerce Street
Room 976
Dallas, TX 75202

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
06/16/202312(1 pg) Disclosure of compensation of attorney for debtor . Filed by Debtor Highland Select Equity Master Fund, L.P.. (Jobe, Hudson)
06/16/202311(266 pgs; 7 docs) Statement of financial affairs for a non-individual . Filed by Debtor Highland Select Equity Master Fund, L.P. (RE: related document(s)3 Notice of deficiency). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Brokerage Statements - 1 # 2 Exhibit Brokerage Statements - 2 # 3 Exhibit Brokerage Statements - 3 # 4 Exhibit Brokerage Statements - 4 # 5 Exhibit Brokerage Statements - 5 # 6 Exhibit Trading Activity) (Jobe, Hudson)
06/16/202310(13 pgs) Schedules: Schedules A-B and D-H with Summary of Assets and Liabilities (with Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors,). Filed by Debtor Highland Select Equity Master Fund, L.P. (RE: related document(s)3 Notice of deficiency). (Jobe, Hudson)
06/12/20239(12 pgs; 3 docs) Motion to transfer case to Dallas divisional office Debtor's Motion to Transfer/Reassign Case Filed by Debtor Highland Select Equity Master Fund, L.P. Objections due by 7/5/2023. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A (Original Complaint in Dugaboy Lawsuit) # 2 Service List) (Jobe, Hudson)
06/05/20238(2 pgs) Order granting 7 Motion to extend time. (Re: related document(s) 3 Notice of deficiency) Schedule A/B due 6/16/2023 for 3, Schedule D due 6/16/2023 for 3, Schedule E/F due 6/16/2023 for 3, Schedule G due 6/16/2023 for 3, Schedule H due 6/16/2023 for 3, Statement of Income/Means Test Form due 6/16/2023 for 3, Statement of Financial Affairs due 6/16/2023 for 3, Summary of Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information due 6/16/2023 for 3, Entered on 6/5/2023. (Ecker, C.)
06/02/20237(4 pgs) Motion to extend time to file schedules or new case deficiencies, excluding matrix (RE: related document(s)3 Notice of deficiency) Filed by Debtor Highland Select Equity Master Fund, L.P. (Jobe, Hudson)
05/28/20235(4 pgs) BNC certificate of mailing. (RE: related document(s)3 Notice of deficiency. Schedule A/B due 6/8/2023. Schedule D due 6/8/2023. Schedule E/F due 6/8/2023. Schedule G due 6/8/2023. Schedule H due 6/8/2023. Summary of Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information due 6/8/2023. Declaration for electronic filing with Debtor's original signature due 6/2/2023. Statement of Financial Affairs due 6/8/2023.Statement of Income/Means Test Form due 6/8/2023. (Vasquez, M.)) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 05/28/2023. (Admin.)
05/27/20234(4 pgs) BNC certificate of mailing - meeting of creditors. (RE: related document(s)2 First Meeting of Creditors with 341(a) meeting to be held on 6/20/2023 at 12:20 PM by TELEPHONE.) No. of Notices: 7. Notice Date 05/27/2023. (Admin.)
05/26/20233(3 pgs) Notice of deficiency. Schedule A/B due 6/8/2023. Schedule D due 6/8/2023. Schedule E/F due 6/8/2023. Schedule G due 6/8/2023. Schedule H due 6/8/2023. Summary of Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information due 6/8/2023. Declaration for electronic filing with Debtor's original signature due 6/2/2023. Statement of Financial Affairs due 6/8/2023.Statement of Income/Means Test Form due 6/8/2023. (Vasquez, M.)
05/25/20232(2 pgs) First Meeting of Creditors with 341(a) meeting to be held on 6/20/2023 at 12:20 PM by TELEPHONE. (Jobe, Hudson)