Case number: 4:12-bk-46303 - Larry Miller Roofing, Inc. - Texas Northern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Larry Miller Roofing, Inc.

  • Court

    Texas Northern (txnbke)

  • Chapter


  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


Docket Header
DsclsDue, REFORM

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Northern District of Texas (Ft. Worth)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 12-46303-rfn11

Assigned to: Russell F. Nelms
Chapter 11

Date filed:  11/12/2012


Larry Miller Roofing, Inc.

520 Fountain Parkway
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Tax ID / EIN: 75-2648039

represented by
Susan B. Hersh

Susan B. Hersh, P.C.
12770 Coit Road, Suite 1100
Dallas, TX 75251
(972) 503-7070

U.S. Trustee

UST U.S. Trustee

1100 Commerce Street
Room 976
Dallas, TX 75242-1496

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
10/03/2014109BNC certificate of mailing - PDF document. (RE: related document(s)[107] Order denying motion to reopen case (related document [99]) Entered on 10/1/2014.) No. of Notices: 4. Notice Date 10/03/2014. (Admin.)
10/01/2014108Order denying motion to enforce(Related Doc [100]) Entered on 10/1/2014. (Chambers, Deanna)
10/01/2014107Order denying motion to reopen case (related document [99]) Entered on 10/1/2014. (Chambers, Deanna)
08/12/2014106Notice of hearing on Debtor's (i) Emergency Motion to Reopen Chapter 11 Case to Avoid Judgment Taken in Violation of Automatic Stay and Determine Pre-Petition Claims were Discharged or, alternatively, Adjudicate Same and (ii) Emergency Motion to Quash Writ of Garnishment filed by Debtor Larry Miller Roofing, Inc.. Hearing to be held on 9/22/2014 at 09:30 AM Ft. Worth, Judge Nelms Ctrm. (Hersh, Susan)
08/08/2014Hearing held on 8/5/2014. (RE: related document(s)[99] Motion to reopen case. Fee amount $1167, Filed by Debtor Larry Miller Roofing, Inc. Objections due by 7/14/2014.) CONTINUED FOR 30 DAYS (Shelby, Amanda)
07/03/2014105Notice of hearingContinued Hearing filed by Debtor Larry Miller Roofing, Inc.. Hearing to be held on 8/5/2014 at 01:30 PM Ft. Worth, Judge Nelms Ctrm. (Hersh, Susan)
06/30/2014Hearing held on 6/25/2014. (RE: related document(s)[99] Motion to reopen case. Fee amount $1167, Filed by Debtor Larry Miller Roofing, Inc. Objections due by 7/14/2014., [100] Emergency Motion to enforceplan provisions/Emergency Motion to Quash Writ of Garnishment Filed by Debtor Larry Miller Roofing, Inc.) PASSED (Shelby, Amanda)
06/25/2014104Objection to (related document(s): [102] Notice of hearing filed by Debtor Larry Miller Roofing, Inc.) filed by Creditor Paul Young Associates II, L.P.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Affidavit # (2) Exhibit A-1 # (3) Exhibit A-2 # (4) Exhibit B) (Stauch, Thomas)
06/25/2014103Order granting motion to set hearing (related document [101]) Entered on 6/25/2014. (Chambers, Deanna)
06/23/2014102Notice of hearing filed by Debtor Larry Miller Roofing, Inc. (RE: related document(s)[99] Motion to reopen case. Fee amount $1167, Filed by Debtor Larry Miller Roofing, Inc. Objections due by 7/14/2014., [100] Emergency Motion to enforceplan provisions/Emergency Motion to Quash Writ of Garnishment Filed by Debtor Larry Miller Roofing, Inc., [101] Ex Parte Motion to set hearing(related documents [99] Motion to reopen case, [100] Motion to enforce)expedited hearing Filed by Debtor Larry Miller Roofing, Inc.). Hearing to be held on 6/25/2014 at 01:30 PM Ft. Worth, Judge Nelms Ctrm. for [99] and for [101] and for [100], (Hersh, Susan)