Case number: 1:23-bk-12001 - The Stonehill Company LLC - Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    The Stonehill Company LLC

  • Court

    Virginia Eastern (vaebke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Klinette H. Kindred

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 23-12001-KHK

Assigned to: Klinette H. Kindred
Chapter 7
No asset

Date filed:  12/08/2023
341 meeting:  01/17/2024


The Stonehill Company LLC

6300 Omland Pl
Haymarket, VA 20169-2505
Tax ID / EIN: 46-0473198
Stonehill Builders, LLC

represented by
John Paul Goetz

John Goetz Law, PLC
86 W. Shirley Avenue
Warrenton, VA 20186
(540) 359-6605
Fax : (540)359-6610


Kevin R. McCarthy

McCarthy & White, PLLC
8508 Rehoboth Ct.
Vienna, VA 22182

U.S. Trustee

Gerard R. Vetter

Office of the U.S. Trustee - Region 4
1725 Duke Street
Suite 650
Alexandria, VA 22314

Cred. Comm. Chair

The Lester Group, Inc.

c/o Paul J. Feinman
PO Box 1080
Lynchburg, VA 24505
represented by
Paul J. Feinman

Petty, Livingston, Dawson & Richards PC
P.O. Box 1080
Lynchburg, VA 24505

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
12/23/202313Hearing Cancelled (Re: related document(s) 4 LBR 1007-1, and/or 1007-3, and/or 3015 Case Filing/Plan Deficiency) (Brown, Tai)
12/21/202312Payment Cleared on Amended Schedule(s) and/or Statement(s), List(s)( 23-12001-KHK) [misc,2011amd] ( 34.00) filing fee. Amount $ 34.00. (Re: Doc#10) (Sheridan)
12/21/202311U.S. Treasury receipt of Schedule(s) and/or Statement(s), Lists Filed( 23-12001-KHK) [misc,2011] ( 34.00) filing fee. Receipt number A35856171, amount $ 34.00. (Re: Doc#9) (U.S. Treasury)
12/21/202310Amendment Cover Sheet, Amended Schedule(s) and/or Statement(s) Filed: Schedule E/F,, filed by John Paul Goetz of John Goetz Law, PLC on behalf of The Stonehill Company LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Notice to Creditors re: Amendment)(Goetz, John)
12/21/20239Non-Individual Schedule(s) and/or Statement(s), Lists - Additional Creditors - , Declaration (Re: related document(s) 4 LBR 1007-1, and/or 1007-3, and/or 3015 Case Filing/Plan Deficiency, 5 Notice of LBR 1007-1 Deficiency - CerDocTyp) filed by John Paul Goetz of John Goetz Law, PLC on behalf of The Stonehill Company LLC. (Goetz, John)
12/15/20238Notice of Appearance filed by Paul J. Feinman of Petty, Livingston, Dawson & Richards PC on behalf of The Lester Group, Inc.. (Feinman, Paul)
12/13/20237Notice of Electronic Filing Procedure (Admin.) (Entered: 12/14/2023)
12/13/20236Notice of Meeting of Creditors (Re: related document(s) 3 Auto Assign Meeting of Creditors Chapter 7 Business) (Admin.) (Entered: 12/14/2023)
12/13/20235Notice of LBR 1007-1 Deficiency (Re: related document(s) 4 LBR 1007-1, and/or 1007-3, and/or 3015 Case Filing/Plan Deficiency) (Admin.) (Entered: 12/14/2023)
12/11/20234LBR 1007-1 Schedule(s) and/or Statement Deficiency; and Hearing Thereon. Incomplete Filings due by 12/22/2023. Hearing scheduled for 1/9/2024 at 11:00 AM at Judge Kindred's Courtroom, 200 S. Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Courtroom III, Alexandria, VA. (Palacios, Lilian)