Case number: 8:24-bk-70997 - Forsythe Cosmetic Group, Ltd. - New York Eastern Bankruptcy Court

Case Information
  • Case title

    Forsythe Cosmetic Group, Ltd.

  • Court

    New York Eastern (nyebke)

  • Chapter


  • Judge

    Alan S. Trust

  • Filed


  • Last Filing


  • Asset


  • Vol


Docket Header
SubChapterV, ChVPlnDue, SmBus

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Eastern District of New York (Central Islip)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 8-24-70997-ast

Assigned to: Judge Alan S. Trust
Chapter 11
No asset

Date filed:  03/13/2024
341 meeting:  04/04/2024
Deadline for filing claims:  05/22/2024


Forsythe Cosmetic Group, Ltd.

10 Niagara Avenue
Freeport, NY 11520
Tax ID / EIN: 11-2515253

represented by
Charles Higgs

Law Office Of Charles A. Higgs
2 Depot Plaza
Bedford Hills, NY 10507

Assist. U.S. Trustee

Christine H Black

US Department of Justice
Office of the U.S. Trustee
560 Federal Plaza
Central Islip, NY 11722
(631) 715-7800


Gerard R Luckman, Esq.

Subchapter V Trustee
Forcelli Deegan Terrana, LLP
333 Earle Ovington Blvd., Suite 1010
Uniondale, NY 11553

U.S. Trustee

United States Trustee

Long Island Federal Courthouse
560 Federal Plaza - Room 560
Central Islip, NY 11722-4437
(631) 715-7800

Latest Dockets

Date Filed#Docket Text
03/28/202418Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice Filed by Leslie A Berkoff on behalf of Stephen Gould Corporation (Berkoff, Leslie) (Entered: 03/28/2024)
03/28/202417Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice Filed by Jacquelyn Jean Moran on behalf of Stephen Gould Corporation (Moran, Jacquelyn) (Entered: 03/28/2024)
03/27/202416Statement re: Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor and LBR 2017 Statement Filed by Charles Higgs on behalf of Forsythe Cosmetic Group, Ltd. (Higgs, Charles) (Entered: 03/27/2024)
03/21/202415BNC Certificate of Mailing with Notice/Order Notice Date 03/21/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 03/22/2024)
03/18/202414Order Scheduling Subchapter V Initial Status Conference Setting: (B) Claims Bar Date: All creditors other than governmental units shall file proof of their claim or interest not later than seventy (70) days following entry of the order for relief, which in this case is 5/22/2024, and 11 U.S.C. 502(b)(9) and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 3002(c)(1) shall govern the timing of the filing of proofs of claim by governmental units; (C) Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 1188 Status Conference to be held on 4/17/2024; and it is further Ordered, that not later than ninety (90) days following entry of the order for relief, or on or before June 11, 2024, the Debtor shall file and serve a plan (11 U.S.C. 1189(b)) and such plan shall conform to the requirements of 11 U.S.C. 1190 and 1191, along with the applicable provisions of 11 U.S.C. 1123 and 1129 and, unless otherwise ordered, the Debtors shall use Official Form 425. Status hearing to be held on 4/17/2024 at 11:00 AM at Courtroom 960 (Judge Trust), CI, NY. Chapter 11 Subchapter V Pre-Status Report Due By 4/3/2024. Proofs of Claims due by 5/22/2024. Signed on 3/18/2024 (ymm) (Entered: 03/19/2024)
03/17/202413BNC Certificate of Mailing with Notice of Reset of Section 341 Meeting of Creditors Notice Date 03/17/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 03/18/2024)
03/16/202412BNC Certificate of Mailing with Notice of Deficient Filing Notice Date 03/16/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 03/17/2024)
03/16/202411BNC Certificate of Mailing - Meeting of Creditors Notice Date 03/16/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 03/17/2024)
03/14/202410Statement re: LBR 1007-4 Declaration Filed by Charles Higgs on behalf of Forsythe Cosmetic Group, Ltd. (Higgs, Charles) (Entered: 03/14/2024)
03/14/20249Notice of Rescheduled Telephonic 341 Meeting with Instructions. Meeting scheduled for April 4, 2024 at 2 p.m. Filed by Christine H Black. (Black, Christine) (Entered: 03/14/2024)